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Consigli dello Chef

Exploring Culinary Innovation: 8 Trending food ingredients this summer

August 07, 2023

Elevate your Culinary Creations with Entegra. Our Chef's propose unique ingredients to incorporate into your menu this season.

As the culinary landscape continues to evolve, restaurants and hotels are constantly seeking ways to captivate their guests with fresh and exciting menu offerings. At the forefront of this evolution are trending food ingredients that not only tantalize taste buds but also reflect the changing preferences and lifestyles of consumers. Entegra, a leader in sourcing and supply for the hospitality industry, stands ready to empower establishments with the means to incorporate these exciting trends seamlessly into their menus.


Plant-Based Proteins: With the rise in popularity of plant-based diets, ingredients like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and various plant-based proteins are in high demand. We source and supply a wide range of plant-based products to cater to this growing trend.


Adaptogens: These are natural substances that are believed to help the body adapt to stress and promote overall well-being. Ingredients like ashwagandha, reishi mushrooms, and maca are gaining traction in the culinary world, and are great for creative and health-conscious menu offerings.


Fermented Foods: Fermented foods are known for their probiotic properties and unique flavours. Ingredients like kimchi, kombucha, kefir, and miso are seeing increased interest in the culinary scene, utilising these ingredients support facilities with diverse menu options.


Jackfruit: This tropical fruit has gained popularity as a meat substitute due to its fibrous texture and neutral taste. It's commonly used in plant-based dishes such as jackfruit tacos and pulled "pork" sandwiches.


Ancient Grains: Quinoa, farro, teff, and other ancient grains are becoming more prevalent in modern cuisine due to their nutritional benefits and unique flavours. Entegra can provide access to a wide range of these grains to cater to health-conscious consumers.


Seaweed: Seaweed is a sustainable and nutrient-rich ingredient that's gaining popularity in various culinary applications. Restaurants can explore seaweed snacks, sushi rolls, and even seaweed-infused condiments through Entegra.


Exotic Fruits: Offerings like dragon fruit, passion fruit, and starfruit are becoming increasingly sought-after for their vibrant colours and distinct flavours.


Mushroom Varieties: Different types of mushrooms, such as lion's mane, oyster, and shiitake, are gaining popularity due to their unique flavours and potential health benefits. Chefs and foodservice providers can explore the versatility of these mushrooms in various dishes.

Mushrooms have become popular for their umami-rich taste and potential immune-boosting properties, making them a valuable addition to innovative and health-conscious menus. Whether used in plant-based dishes or as meat substitutes, mushroom varieties offer exciting opportunities for culinary exploration. Entegra support restaurants and hotels stay ahead of the curve by incorporating these trending mushrooms into their offerings.


Incorporating trending food ingredients into your menu is a dynamic way to captivate your guests and position your establishment as a culinary trailblazer. With Entegra as your trusted partner, these culinary innovations are within reach. Discover the power of plant-based proteins, the allure of adaptogens, the art of fermentation, and the wonders of exotic ingredients, all curated to elevate your menu and delight your guests.

Ready to Innovate? Let's Connect! Elevate your offerings, stay ahead of the curve, and ensure your guests savor every moment of your exceptional creations. Together with Entegra, you're not just serving meals – you're crafting unforgettable experiences. Embrace the trends, embrace the possibilities.

August 07, 2023

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